EyeBEP 2020

Eye Bank Technician Education Program


True to our motto ‘So that all may See', LVPEI’s EyeHEP - Health Education Program, is a unique program, and probably also a first-of-its-kind. Through a gamut of well-crafted education programs, designed to converge all eye health professionals in a week-long process of learning and knowledge sharing, it provides knowledge through scientific evidence.

EyeBEP - Eye Bank Education Program, is an important module of this program and is meant for Eye Bank Technicians and Eye donation counselors.

Blindness continues to be one of the major health concerns in the world. Corneal diseases are a major cause for blindness in India, second only to cataract. Nearly 7 million suffer from corneal blindness in at least one eye, and one million are bilaterally blind. Corneal transplantations play a major role in eliminating needless corneal blindness.

But, unfortunately, we face an acute shortage of donor corneas. And hence, a majority of patients requiring corneal transplantation are not fortunate enough to undergo the procedure within a reasonable period. Another equally alarming challenge faced by eye bankers is the unavailability of trained eye bank professionals such as Eye Bank Technicians and Eye Donation counselors needed for motivating the donor families for eye donation, cornea collection, evaluation, processing and distribution of the corneas to surgeons. The course in general would enable the technicians and counselors to refresh their knowledge and update their technical skills.

Let us all learn together!

Associate Director
Ramayamma International Eye Bank

Program Schedule