EyeTEP 2020

Eye Technician Education Program


True to our motto ‘So that all may See', LVPEI’s EyeHEP - Health Education Program, is a unique program, and probably also a first-of-its-kind. Through a gamut of well-crafted education programs, designed to converge all eye health professionals in a week-long process of learning and knowledge sharing, it provides knowledge through scientific evidence.

EyeTEP - Technician Education Program, is an important module of this program and aims at providing continuing education opportunities to mid-level ophthalmic personnel. It has a unique curriculum, specifically structured to cater to the needs of eye care personnel for delivering quality eye care services in rural and remote regions, and beyond. The program content will be delivered in form 100 clinical pearls.

Considering the importance and need of this program, we are currently offering this program at no cost to the participants.

Let us all learn together!

Anjaneyulu MSR, DOT, BSc
Faculty Optometrist, Brien Holden Institute of Optometry and Vision Sciences

Program Schedule