12 Years of Life-Saving Blood Donations at LVPEI, Kallam Anji Reddy Campus, Hyderabad

As part of LVPEI's 37th anniversary celebrations, we organized the 12th blood donation camp at the Kallam Anji Reddy Campus, Hyderabad, on June 1st. The drive saw the heartfelt participation of 151 donors, including employees, trainees, patients, attendants, and volunteers.

      -  12 Years of Continuous Blood Donation Camps
      -  2,546 Units of Blood Collected
      -  7,638 Lives Impacted

Thanks to our dedicated donors, LVPEI has provided vital blood for children with eye cancer and non-paying patients without purchasing a single unit in the last 12 years. Their collective efforts continue to strengthen our mission of providing essential support to those in need.

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