At the All India Ophthalmological Conference (AIOC) organized by the All India Ophthalmological Society (AIOS) from 13-16 February 2020 at Gurugram in Haryana:
Dr Gullapalli N Rao: In recognition of contributions to Indian ophthalmology and eye care in the country, AIOS has instituted five endowment lectures (a) One of these lectures is named after the late Prof L P Agarwal, Former Director of All India Institute of Medical Sciences and also the Teacher and Mentor of Dr Rao. The inaugural ‘Prof L P Agarwal Endowment Lecture’ was delivered by Dr Rao on the topic ' Close the Gap by 2030' (b) Additionally, ‘Dr Gullapalli N Rao AIOS Endowment Lecture’ has been instituted and was delivered by Dr M Srinivasan, Former Director and Head of Cornea Unit at the Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai
Dr Somasheila Murthy: (a) Elected Member, AIOS Scientific Committee (b) Received the ‘Narsing A Rao - Best Free Paper Award – Uvea Section’; Title: Utility of Anterior Segment OCT in the diagnosis of scleritis
Dr Swapna Shanbhag: Received the ‘AIOS-IJO Silver Award’; Title: Simple limbal epithelial transplantation (SLET): Review of indications, surgical technique, mechanism, outcomes, limitations, and impact; co-authors: Patel CN, Goyal R, Donthineni PR, Singh V, Basu S
Dr Umesh Chandra Behera: Received the (a) ‘Best Video - Anterior Segment Category’; Title: Bent haptic method of scleral fixation of intraocular lens - a new cost-effective technique (b) ‘Best Runners-up Video - New Surgical Technique’; Topic: The technique of fixing intraocular lenses in eyes with deficient posterior capsule
Dr Oshin Bansal: ‘Best Video - Special Interest Category’; Title: Extended orbicularis myectomy under tumescent anaesthesia for benign essential blepharospasm; co-author: Dr Milind Naik
Anil K Mandal: Honoured as ‘International Ophthalmic Hero of India’
Dr Vivek Dave: (a) Honoured as ‘International Ophthalmic Hero of India’ (b) Received the ‘Certificate of Merit’ for one of the best IJO publications in 2019-20 (c) His paper listed as one of the top 4 best ‘Free Papers – Retina category’
Dr Tarjani Dave: Honoured as ‘International Ophthalmic Hero of India’