Available in
Hyderabad: 9392752020 / 7032666437 Bhubaneswar: 6371750396 / 674-2653248
Vijayawada: 8688863164 | Visakhapatnam: 6302432118
Madanapalle: 7386968111 | Siricilla: 7386968111 | Berhampur: 8917594211

How LVPEI@Home works?








At Hyderabad

The charges for individual appointment are:
    - INR 1500/- (Within radius of 25 km)

The charges for group appointment are (cost per patient):
    - INR 1000/- (Within radius of 25 km)

Concierge service (annual subscription includes 4 home visits and one pick-up and drop): 22,000/

At Bhubaneswar, Vijayawada, Visakhapatnam

The charges for individual appointment are:
    - INR 1000/- (Within radius of 25 km)

The charges for group appointment are (cost per patient):
    - INR 500/- (Within radius of 25 km)

Concierge service (annual subscription includes 4 home visits and one pick-up and drop): 16,000/

At Berhampur, Sircilla and Madanapalli

The charges for individual appointment are:
    - INR 400/- (Within radius of 25 km)

frequently asked questions (FAQ)

  • The aim of LVPEI@Home is to take eye care closer to the doorstep of people. It makes expert ophthalmic eye care available right at the patient’s doorstep.
    The LVPEI@Home involves a comprehensive eye examination that includes:

      - History Taking
      - Torch Light Examination
      - Refraction Check
      - Anterior Segment Examination
      - Intraocular Pressure Check
      - Fundus Evaluation to see the Inner Eye
      - Ultrasound B-Scan, visual field (Om), Pupil-X and optical coherence tomography (OCT-retina) can be done at home based on advise
      - Details of the comprehensive eye examination are uploaded to the LVPEI Connect application and made available to the ophthalmologist
      - A teleconsultation via the LVPEI Connect application (powered by WellZio) connects the patient and caregivers either via a voice or video call
      - At the end of the teleconsultation, the patient receives an electronic report with key observations, diagnosis, management plan, prescription for glasses and medicines, if any. E-report is integrated to eyeSmart (the electronic medical record), making the findings from the visit at home available for future consults with an eye doctor within LVPEI eye care system. This ensures continuity of eye care.
      - Details of next visit are sent to patient’s registered phone number
  • The LVPEI@Home service is currently available within 10-25 kilometres of our Centers at the following locations:

      - Kallam Anji Reddy Campus, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad – 9392752020/7032666437
      - Mithu Tulsi Chanrai Campus, Patia, Bhubaneswar – 6371750396, 674-2653248
      - Kode Venkatadri Chowdary Campus, Vijayawada - 8688863164
      - GMR Varalakshmi Campus, Visakhapatnam – 6302432118
      - V C Parekh Eye Centre, Madanapalle, Andhra Pradesh - 9963478754
      - Krishna Sindhura Eye Centre, Siricilla, Telangana - 7386968111
      - Arjun Waney Eye Centre, Berhampur, Odisha - 9556080864
      To book an appointment call the numbers pertaining to your city.
  • Yes, however, priority will be given to the elderly and premature babies.

  • No, LVPEI@Home does not handle emergency eye care.

  • A routine LVPEI@Home session that involves a comprehensive eye examination typically takes one hour. In certain cases where there is a need for dilatation or further investigation, the process may take longer.

  • The patient needs to be comfortably seated in a closed room where the lights can be dimmed. Based on the need, an electrical plug point may be required, to use certain equipment.

  • Yes, If you are a new (fresh) patient at LVPEI, you can still avail the LVPEI@Home service, provided you are within 25 kilometres of our centers where LVPEI@Home is currently available. If you are uncertain about the distance between your home and nearest LVPEI center, we encourage you to call at the number pertaining to your city.

  • LVPEI@Home is available Monday to Saturday from 09.30am to 4.00pm.

      - Individual appointment: When you book an appointment for only one patient.
      - Group appointment: Group appointments may be booked if you have a minimum of 10 patients at a single location.
  • At Hyderabad
    - The charges for individual appointment are: INR 1500/- (Within radius of 25 km)
    - The charges for group appointment are (cost per patient): INR 1000/- (Within radius of 25 km)
    - Concierge service (annual subscription includes 4 home visits and one pick-up and drop): 22,000/
    At Bhubaneswar, Vijayawada, Visakhapatnam
    - The charges for individual appointment are: INR 1000/- (Within radius of 25 km)
    - The charges for group appointment are (cost per patient): INR 500/- (Within radius of 25 km)
    - Concierge service (annual subscription includes 4 home visits and one pick-up and drop): 16,000/
    At Berhampur, Sircilla and Madanapalli
    - The charges for individual appointment are: INR 400/- (Within radius of 25 km)

  • In rural communities, LVPEI@Home is available to elderly and disabled individuals who have visual morbidity. A team of field workers will screen the eyes of all members of the household at their doorstep in villages around our secondary and vision centers. Individuals identified with visual morbidity will be referred to nearest vision or secondary center. Elderly individuals with visual morbidity will be eligible to be served by LVPEI@Home at their doorstep. This model will ensure LVPEI@Home is complementary to the existing pyramidal structure of the village vision complex pioneered by LVPEI

  • LVPEI@Home is a step further to ConnectCare (teleconsultation). Under LVPEI@Home, a trained optometrist physically visits the patient at their home and conducts a comprehensive eye examination, followed by a teleconsultation with an ophthalmologist on video-call. It is suited for both new and existing (follow-up) patients. Further, when the ophthalmologist feels there is a need for investigations after the first home visit, more advanced tests can be done at home at scheduled second visit including ultrasound, optical coherence tomography and visual field examination.
    Teleconsultation at LVPEI happens via the ConnectCare app. Through the app, the patient connects with an ophthalmologist on video call. The patient receives an e-report on their device, and it is integrated to eyeSmart (the electronic medical record), making the findings from the visit at home available for future consults with an eye doctor within LVPEI eye care system.
    Teleconsultation does not involve a physical comprehensive eye examination. It is more suited for follow-ups at regular intervals after being examined at any of our LVPEI centers or after surgery at LVPEI.

  • - Kallam Anji Reddy Campus, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad – 9392752020/7032666437
    - Mithu Tulsi Chanrai Campus, Patia, Bhubaneswar – 6371750396, 674-2653248
    - Kode Venkatadri Chowdary Campus, Vijayawada - 8688863164
    - GMR Varalakshmi Campus, Visakhapatnam – 6302432118
    - V C Parekh Eye Centre, Madanapalle, Andhra Pradesh - 9963478754
    - Krishna Sindhura Eye Centre, Siricilla, Telangana - 7386968111
    - Arjun Waney Eye Centre, Berhampur, Odisha – 9556080864

  • Yes, LVPEI@Home aims to cover the elderly who are underprivileged residing at both urban and rural communities. At urban locations, they will be covered by eye screening conducted at old age homes located within the radius of the service. Further elderly will be provided glasses at no-cost. Those who need surgery will be transported to the nearest LVPEI center and the surgery will be performed at no-cost. At rural locations, elderly individuals with visual morbidity will need to identified by door-to-door eye screening by field workers and then home visit will be facilitate eye care at the doorstep similar to that done for urban locations.
    - Is there a certain percentage of patients who will get this facility free of cost – as done for other surgeries at LVPEI LVPEI@Home service to the underprivileged will be balanced with that provided at a cost with almost a 3:1 ratio over the course of the project.

  • No, LVPEI@Home primarily aims to cover elderly individuals of both genders equitably at urban and rural locations. However, data from homecare provided at urban locations over the last 2 years show more women (58%) were served compared to men in this period. We hope to observe similar trends in the project locations too.

  • Yes, LVPEI@Home is likely to have women for care delivery at several positions. They may be field workers, vision technicians, optometrists, coordinators, administrators and eye doctors. Human resource for the project will be recruited through an interview purely on merit.

  • The protocols to be followed for LVPEI@Home take into account the safety of patients especially elderly, their caregivers and also our staff. For the benefit of our patients, our field workers and optometrists follow universally accepted safety protocols of hand hygiene, masks and cleaning of equipment between patients. For patients who may have infectious diseases like COVID-19 there is provision for personal protective equipment too.
    Similarly, our staff who visit patient’s home are provided helmets, rain covers and vehicles are GPS tracked. Further, staff are trained to communicate the process of examination to the patient and care giver.

  • Several cadres of staff who will serve under LVPEI@Home will be trained at SCB Academy of Eye Care Education. These include vision technicians, coordinators, administrators and even eye doctors.








