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LVPEI leads Andhra Pradesh’s First-ever Intra-arterial Chemotherapy (IAC) for a 4-Year-Old with Eye Cancer

LVPEI leads Andhra Pradesh’s First-ever Intra-arterial Chemotherapy (IAC) for a 4-Year-Old with Eye Cancer

[Vijayawada, 4th May 2024] The Kode Venkatadri Chowdary (KVC) campus of L V Prasad Eye Institute (LVPEI) achieved a significant breakthrough in advanced care for retinoblastoma patients by successfully performing the first-ever Intra-arterial Chemotherapy (IAC) procedure on a 4-year-old girl with bilateral retinoblastoma eye cancer. 

Despite completing a full cycle of 12 intravenous chemotherapies, the recurrence of the tumour in one eye prompted the decision to pursue IAC, which delivers potent anti-cancer drugs directly into the eye, particularly effective for retinoblastoma treatment. While this approach is prevalent in Western countries, its adoption in India is hindered by financial constraints and limited medical infrastructure. Undeterred by these challenges, Dr Anasua Ganguly, Head of the KVC Campus and Ocular Oncologist orchestrated the necessary resources and expertise to pioneer this procedure in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh.Collaboration can move mountains!

Dr Ganguly emphasized the collaborative effort involved in the success of the procedure, acknowledging the expertise of Interventional Radiologist Dr Laxmi Prasanna K from Lalitha Hospital, Guntur; Paediatric Oncologist Dr Veena Akkineni from Rainbow Children's Hospital; and Dr Sridevi V, Senior Anesthetist from Pioneer Anaesthesia Group, Vijayawada. Guidance from Dr Vijay Anand Reddy, Senior Oncologist, and Sai Tejaswini, Registrar from Apollo Cancer Hospital, Hyderabad, was instrumental in ensuring the correct dosage and administration of the chemotherapeutic drugs. The procedure was performed at Life Neurovascular Hospital in Guntur, where a Catheterization Laboratory (Cath Lab) was available. 

She added that the way this case was handled genuinely aligned with LVPEI's values of patient first, excellence, equity, integrity, and togetherness. It showcased the power of collaboration and marked a significant advancement in Vijayawada's medical capabilities.

What does the success of the IAC procedure mean to the ultimate beneficiary?
When asked about the significance for the young patient beneficiary, Dr Anasua Ganguly expressed confidence that while the procedure marked a significant success, she may require one or two more cycles of IAC to complete disease control. She asserted the importance of bringing advanced care closer to the patient's home, sparing them the burden of travelling to a distant city while navigating the challenges of battling cancer and providing care for the patient.

Treatment is Provided at No Cost to the Patient!
What further magnifies this milestone's success is that the entire treatment cost was covered by funds raised through Whitathon, LVPEI's flagship event for retinoblastoma awareness and fundraising. This marks the significance of community awareness and support. So far, the funds raised by five editions of Whitathon have supported the treatment of over 3000 children with retinoblastoma across the LVPEI Network. The upcoming 6th edition of Whitathon is scheduled for May 19, 2024.

Initially, the team involved in this ground-breaking treatment approach was met with hesitation and reluctance regarding implementing the Intraarterial Chemotherapy procedure in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. This reluctance primarily stemmed from the apprehensions regarding the sufficiency of support infrastructure. Concerns ranged from anaesthesia and technical assistance to the availability of Cath Lab facilities and the proper administration of chemotherapeutic drugs, all critical components for the intricate intraarterial chemotherapy procedure. However, LVPEI's commitment to providing comprehensive support alleviated these concerns, ultimately persuading the experts to come together and proceed with the procedure.

The success of the first-ever intra-arterial chemotherapy procedure not only addressed the critical needs of the 4-year-old retinoblastoma patient in our care but also inspired a paradigm shift among the medical community at LVPEI and other institutions in Vijayawada. In the past, patients were routinely directed to larger cities for such treatments, but now, with this milestone achieved, intra-arterial chemotherapy emerges as a locally accessible standard of care. Dr Anasua Ganguly affirms that this transformative development motivates us to expand our capabilities and infrastructure, ensuring that cutting-edge treatments are readily available closer to home.

About LVPEI: Established in 1987, L V Prasad Eye Institute (LVPEI), a World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Prevention of Blindness, is a comprehensive eye health facility. The Institute has ten functional arms to its areas of operations: Clinical Services, Education, Research, Vision Rehabilitation, Rural and Community Eye Health, Eye Banking, Advocacy and Policy Planning, Capacity Building, Innovation, and Product Development. The LVPEI Eye Care Network has over 300 centres across India, including Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, and Karnataka. The institute’s mission is to provide equitable and quality eye care to all sections of society. The LVPEI’s five-tier ‘Eye Health Pyramid’ model, covering all areas of the community right from the villages to the city, provides high quality and comprehensive - prevention, curative, and rehabilitation – eye care to all. It has served over 36.89 million (3 crores 68 lakh people), with more than 50% entirely free of cost, irrespective of the complexity of care needed. 

Search Tags: L V Prasad Eye Institute, Vijayawada, LVPEI, Eye Cancer, Whitathon, Retinoblastoma, Intra-arterial Chemotherapy, Chemotherapy, Children’s Eye Cancer