Vision Rehabilitation Lab
The main focus of this lab is to study visual functions (e.g. visual fields) and functional vision (e.g. visual search) in patients having visual impairment. Particular focus is given to children with special needs since majority of the usual clinical testing procedures lacks the ability to examine these children carefully. This leaves a huge gap in the clinical care of these children. Understanding the visual functions and functional vision in this population will result in effective therapy and rehabilitation.
Development of Pediatric Perimeter:
A device to measure visual fields for infants and children with special needs has been built. On going studies are aimed towards collecting normative data, studying visual fields in children with special needs.
Development of Pediatric Perimeter:
In this project we are determining grating acuity by observing eye movements of children with special needs. A comparative testing is also made with the conventional test cards that are available.
Visual Search Studies:
Functional vision in patients can be assessed by testing their visual performance in several domains. One such domain is visual search. In these experiments reaction time and accuracy are the outcome measures to assess the performance. Eye tracking is also used to understand the eye movement characteristics (e.g. how long was the fixation made etc.) while performing these tasks.

Dr PremNandhini Satgunam
- Sourav Datta
- Rebecca Sumalini
- K. Eswar
Department of Science & Technology (DST)- Fast Track grant; Wellcome Trust-DBT India Alliance for clinician to researcher grant (to Mr.Sourav Datta)
The lab has active collaboration with other members of the Brien Holden Institute of Optometry and Vision Science group. International collaborators include Dr.Angela Brown, Ohio State University, Prof. Lea Hyvarinen, Finland, Prof. Eli Peli and Dr. Gang Luo, Schepens Eye Research Institute.