Visual Functions lab
Visual acuity (VA), the most measured outcome variable in randomized clinical trials to test the efficacy of drugs is a poor marker of the disease severity has large test-retest variability and reflects only the central 1o of the retinal function. Therefore, the overall objective is to quantify and understand the role of functional biomarkers in early detection and management strategies of retinal diseases and play a key role in preventing loss of vision. The lab will primarily focus on evaluating advanced retinal function tests (colour vision, spatial and temporal contrast sensitivity, dark adaptometry and microperimetry) and designing novel retinal function tests that can act as a functional marker for early detection, quantify the severity of the disease, evaluate treatment outcomes, and provide insight into prognostic outcomes.
The aims of the visual functions lab are as follows:
- To develop retinal functional markers that will aid in early detection of retinal diseases and in management of retinal diseases over the treatment course
- Integrate retinal functions with structural and imaging technology to holistically evaluate structure-function relationship that will lead to better understanding of the disease process
- The lab will also focus on designing and innovate test paradigms that can potentially lead to development of occupation-centric colour vision tests that determine their real-world ability to perform in a particular working environment. In addition, the research in the lab will also invest in testing and determining the most optimal chromatic filter that maximizes visual performance in individuals with CVD in their day-to-day activities.
Ongoing Research projects
- Residual visual function assessments in patients post retinal detachment surgeries
- Efficacy of treatment outcomes in Diabetic retinopathy
- Understanding the disease pathogenesis of BRVO using novel functional markers
- Assessment of efficacy of colour vision aids on visual search tasks
List of publications -
Lab members
Principal Investigator

Dr Amithavikram R Hathibelagal
Research Optometrists:

Suchana Shirodkar
- Diwaakar Karthikeyan
- Sargam Dhingra