Dr Umesh Chandra

Dr Umesh Chandra

Dr Umesh Chandra

Designation: Consultant Ophthalmologist Specialisation: Vitreo Retinal Diseases Email: umesh@lvpei.org Location: Mithu Tulsi Chanrai Campus Patia, Bhubaneswar

Umesh Chandra Behera completed his basic medical education and postgraduate training in ophthalmology from Berhampur University, followed by a two year vitreo-retinal fellowship from Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai. He was faculty at Aravind Eye Care System for 6 years, with a keen interest in treating retinal diseases in the paediatric age group, diabetic retinopathy and endophthalmitis. His strength in paediatric retina was reinforced by a short stint as a visiting scholar to Associated Retina Consultants, Royal Oak, USA. Amongst his various scientific contributions to peer reviewed ophthalmic literature, few notable achievements are an original description of a rare retinal aberration (foveal duplication) and a new ocular pathology (HPMC retinal toxicity). Owing to his decade long experience in teaching, he has been chosen by all India Ophthalmic Society and Public Health Foundation of India as a regional faculty for diabetic retinopathy. He is involved in a number of multicentric clinical trials and is a reviewer for peer-reviewed ophthalmic journals like Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, JAMA Ophthalmology and Eye.