Nikesh Kangane
Designation: Consultant Optometrist Specialisation: Myopia Email: Location: Kallam Anji Reddy Campus, Hyderabad
Nikesh pursued his bachelor's degree in optometry from the College of Optometry and Ophthalmic Science, Nashik, affiliated with Sunrise University, Alwal, Rajasthan. After graduation, he gained clinical experience working as a Consultant Optometrist at a comprehensive eye clinic in Jalna for a year. His growing interest in contact lenses led him to pursue a Postgraduate Diploma in Optometry and Vision Sciences, specializing in the anterior segment and contact lenses at the Brien Holden Institute of Optometry and Vision Sciences (BHIOVS), L V Prasad Eye Institute (LVPEI), Hyderabad.
During his postgraduate training, Nikesh research work on myopia and its management strategies, with a particular focus on the efficacy of various myopia control interventions. His passion for this field motivated him to actively contribute to myopia management. Currently, he is a Consultant Optometrist at the Infor Myopia Centre, LVPEI where he continues to expand his expertise in myopia control and patient care while actively pursuing research.